Thursday, August 7, 2008


What is going on with athletes these days? Why are they coming back after retirement to make fools of themselves? I can only assume it is their oversized ego. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I can't see anything else at this point. Brett Favre, what were you THINKING? A reminder of the fiasco of Michael Jordon's "comeback." I hate to be the one to break it to you, boys, but we do grow older, and our bodies just can't do what they once could do. Why not go out gracefully, with some dignity, allowing your fans to love you and remember you in your glory days? Brett, you have forever dropped to the very bottom of my list of good athletes. Not that you were ever all that high on the list as you have pulled many "ego stunts" before. But this takes the case.

For a real athlete, look at Josh Hamilton. He has more than talent in his list of attributes. Go to and see what I mean. Ego is not the first thing you will notice about him. I am impressed. There are many other talented athletes who have learned the truth as well.

And I don't know a lot about Brett's replacement with the Packers, yet, but I must say I have been impressed so far at how he has handled the mishandling of the Favre issue by all those involved.

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