Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well, I heard some exciting and devastating news today. Have you ever heard the word "ambivalent?" I first heard that word only a few years ago and have since jokingly taken that as my middle name. I have such strongly mixed emotions about so many things in life. I just received news today that two very, very special people in my life have sold their house and are moving out of town. This couple is more like close family than mere friends. Now granted, they aren't moving across the country or around the world. But until now they have lived close by and their unwaivering love and acceptance and friendship has meant more to my husband and I than I can even express. They have walked with us through the worst times of our entire lives, and they did so without judgment, without question, and without hesitation. This was healing balm to my soul during a time when my soul was dying under brutal assault. At the same time that I am feeling this tremendous sense of loss over this news, I am also very excited for them. God has blessed them so very richly as he has provided a way "out of the blue" for them to be closer to their kids and grandkids. With the economy what it is here in Michigan, the chances of them selling their house for a decent price are close to nil, and yet, without their house even being listed for sale, God provided a way. God is so good. God is sooooooooo good. My two dear friends will ALWAYS be in our prayers, for good health, unending joy, wonderful new friends, a home filled with peace, and the true rest that comes from trusting God in all things. And I hope they realize that they will have a couple of out-of-town visitors stopping in from time to time for a cup of coffee and a good chat. My husband and I will miss you terribly, my friends, but we are truly happy for you. You are loved.

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