Thursday, August 14, 2008

Losing Weight

OMGosh! I have been sooooo frustrated trying to lose weight. I have been desperate enough that I have tried many different things, including some that sound pretty crazy. I feel I must lose weight as my BP and cholesterol are very high. I take 2 BP medications which are keeping it in control, although doctors have told me that the meds only control the symptom of the elevated BP ~ but the condition that CAUSES the high BP still rages on, damaging blood vessels and internal organs. At my last physical they told me that my cholesterol numbers were the worst they had ever seen, and some were so high that they couldn't be calculated (whatever that means). So............ the weight loss dilemma. Oh yeah, and they tried cholesterol lowering meds and it turns out my body won't tolerate them.

I am happy to report that I have finally lost almost 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks. That doesn't sound like much, does it? But with every previous attempt I have bounced up and down 1-2 pounds, never losing more than 2, but bouncing up again. Finally my holistic chiropractor suggested I stay completely away from wheat for a while to see if that had any impact. What actually made him suggest it was my recurring plantar fasciitus (I know this is misspelled but you know, inflamation of the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot). He said that for those whose digestive systems don't process wheat products effectively, the waste products produced often settle in the joints and the bottoms of the feet. Well I tried it, and my joints and feet are remarkably improved, and I have finally lost more than 2 pounds without bouncing up. I am optimistic about the future of my weight loss and overall health. So if you have similar issues, give it a try.

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