Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote on Nov 4

I wish everyone would vote. I believe it is a right, a privilege, and an obligation. I was surprised to hear my 21 year old say recently that he didn't think he was going to vote. I absolutely can't understand this mindset. I am very passionate about voting ~ about being informed and having an opinion and casting a vote. He said he feels he doesn't have enough information to vote in good conscience. WHAT?! Okay ~ if voting is important (and it is) it should not be viewed as being optional. And if voting is not optional, then you have to take the time to become informed. I do agree you should not vote without knowing who or what to vote for ~ it shouldn't be like a pop quiz where the answers don't really matter. There are many, many ways to become informed, and it's not that difficult. And it's not like the election comes up unexpectedly ~ we have plenty of warning and plenty of time to prepare ourselves. One way to become informed is to check out the non-partisan voters' guides put out by They get the voting records of the candidates, they find out what organizations support each candidate, they get the actual wording of the proposals, they ask ALL the candidates the same questions and post their answers, and they put it all out there in one convenient location so it is quick and easy to learn a great deal. It is true there are no perfect candidates, but there are not perfect voters either. We just need to take it seriously enough to get involved and to vote.

My husband pointed out to me the other day that in Michigan, where we have the worst economy of the whole nation, and where our economy was a disaster long before the nation's economy took a down-turn, many people blame it all on Bush and the Republicans; and yet, we have Democratic Governor Granholm, Democrat Carl Levin, Democrat Debbie Stabenow ~ all career politicians in office here for many a year. Why are they not held responsible? And as for the nation, we have had a Democrat-controlled congress for how long? And apart from making excuses and blaming everything on Bush, what else have they done? But... those who have not taken the time to be informed are susceptible to being led around and manipulated by the liberal, "Democrat" media who certainly are not informing people of the truth about our candidates, our proposals, our economic condition and its causes, or our future. And we blame those the media says to blame, and we re-elect the ones who are actually responsible.

Be informed, vote, and then, no matter the outcome of the election, remember that God is not up for re-election. He can't be voted out. He always has been on the throne, and He always will be. And His ways are perfect, His word is true, He is just and faithful and merciful and eternal. Kings and kingdoms rise and fall, but one thing never changes ~ Almighty God. Our leaders can worship Him or deny Him, they can seek Him or ignore Him, they can trust Him or try to forget about Him, but that never changes eternal, absolute truth. God IS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have only had a democratic congress for 2 years compared to 10years with the republicans.

Even being with that said, there aren't enough democrats for an absolute majority. It will take more than 2 years to reverse the affects of the republicans over the last 10 thank you very much!