Monday, October 27, 2008

Prayer for the Elections

I am praying for God's perfect will for America. For the upcoming elections. I don't know what God's will is. I know what I think it is. I know what my will is. I am very clear on how I plan to vote. I have done my best to be informed, to be current on the important issues. I have tried to see past what I hear from the main-stream media, past what the political info-mercials tell us. I feel that I am clear on the issues as they relate to my values, beliefs, and priorities. I know exactly how I intend to vote. As I have talked to some, I find that many people still have not made up their minds, they are confused on the issues. I pray that everyone who goes to the polls on election day would take the time first to read up on the issues, educate themselves on where the candidates really stand. There are voter guides available from Focus on the Family. These are non-partisan, strictly-the-facts guides that simply report the past voting records for all the candidates running for office, and other factual information. These guides are simply intended to educate everyone on the issues and the candidates, not to sway anyone's vote one way or the other. We must all become informed voters. The issues are too big, the future of America too precarious, to vote without knowing the facts. Get informed ~ then vote. There is still time. Go to and click on your state, then fill out the information, turn off your pop-up blocker, and there you go. It is worth taking the time to be informed.

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